Farm to School

Summer Meal Site Information

Farm to School

NY Thursday
We are proud to offer delicious local meals on NY Thursdays! NY Thursday meals are a meal of seasonal New York State foods cooked from scratch by the Rock on Café Team and made possible by the Broome-Tioga BOCES Food Service Leadership Team, Food & Health Network, Cornell Cooperative Extension, and by various and local farms.  

In addition to NY Thursdays, students will have the opportunity to taste test local foods and give feedback for future school meals!

Farm to School supports local farm livelihoods, strengthens regional food systems, connects members of the community through food and farming, and provides fresh, local, healthy lunches to students so that they can engage with their environment, learn, and develop healthy lifestyle habits!

Our Farm To School Program

NY Thursday and Taste Tests

Our Farms

Farm to School Education

Farm to School Culinary Experience

Distribution of Farm to School Products

Enjoy some of our Farm to School Family Friendly Recipes featuring New York Foods!

In collaboration with the Food and Health Network, be sure to check out our Farm to School Recipes to make at home and much more! 

Be sure to check out our Farm to School Newsletter for information on our program and recipes!

In partnership with Cornell Cooperative Extension, the Farm to School Newsletters provide information on our Farm to School Program, local foods, and recipes to make at home! 

For School Districts Interested in our Large Scale Recipes

More recipes coming soon!

Note: Please credit recipes as “Recipe created by Broome-Tioga BOCES” if shared in a printed format. Please credit photos as “Photographer, Organization".
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